Uses of Class

Packages that use CharacterAttributes

Uses of CharacterAttributes in jurpe.characters

Methods in jurpe.characters that return CharacterAttributes
 CharacterAttributes BasicPC.getCharacterAttributes()
          Get Character Attributes of PC - name, height and such

Methods in jurpe.characters with parameters of type CharacterAttributes
 void BasicPC.setCharacterAttributes(CharacterAttributes attributes)
          Set character attributes (ST,IQ,DX,HT).

Constructors in jurpe.characters with parameters of type CharacterAttributes
Monster(CharacterAttributes ca, int armr)
          Creates new monster.
PCharacter(CharacterAttributes ca, int points, Skills lvl)

Uses of CharacterAttributes in jurpe.system

Methods in jurpe.system with parameters of type CharacterAttributes
 void CoreCommands.generatePC(CharacterAttributes crpc)
          Creates a new Playing Character
static PCharacter JurpeUtils.generatePC(CharacterAttributes ca, Skills abilitaDisponibili)
          Creates a Playing Character, with default maximum points.
static PCharacter JurpeUtils.generatePC(CharacterAttributes ca, Skills abilitaDisponibili, int maximumCharacterPoints)
          Creates a Playing Character

Uses of CharacterAttributes in jurpe.system.commands

Methods in jurpe.system.commands with parameters of type CharacterAttributes
static PCharacter CreationCommands.generatePC(CharacterAttributes ca, Skills availableSkills)
          Creation of a new Playing Character

Uses of CharacterAttributes in jurpedemo.wizards

Methods in jurpedemo.wizards that return CharacterAttributes
 CharacterAttributes CharacterCreation.getCharacterAttrs()

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