Uses of Class

Packages that use JurpeException

Uses of JurpeException in jurpe.containers

Methods in jurpe.containers that throw JurpeException
 void MasterShop.addRandomItems(RandomNames names, ItemValueType ivt, int number)
          Add some random items to the ones available
 void Monsters.initialize(Dungeons dungeon)
          Generate new wave of monsters.
 void Lootables.initialize(Dungeons dungeon)
          Generate new set of dungeon items, that is money or other items that can be found in the dungeon.

Uses of JurpeException in jurpe.dungeon

Methods in jurpe.dungeon that throw JurpeException
 void Dungeons.addAvatarToCurrentMap()
          Add Avatar placeholder to current map
 void Dungeons.drawDungeon(Level dungeonLevel, HexMap hexMapControl)
          Draw dungeon into and HexMap control and connect its logic.
 Cell PlaceHolder.getCell()
          Get RpgMapCell in which Placeholder is
 Level Dungeons.getCurrentLevel()
          The level where avatar is
 RpgMap Dungeons.getCurrentMap()
          Get current map
 Level Dungeons.getDungeonLevel(int level)
          Handle to Dungeon level
 Level DungeonLevels.getDungeonLevel(int level)
          Get the dungeon map associated with that level
 Direction Avatar.getEdge(HexMap hexMap)
          Get the direction in which Avatar is getting close to the perimenter
 void Dungeons.initAvatar(HexMap hexMapControl)
          Set a new Avatar.
 void PlaceHolder.move(Direction direction)
          Move placeholder
 void Avatar.move(Direction d)
          Move avatar in some direction
 void PlaceHolder.setCenteredPosition()
          Set centered position for this placeholder.
 void Dungeons.setCurrentLevel(Level level)
 void PlaceHolder.setDefaultInitialPosition(java.util.Random rnd)
          Set initial random position
 void Avatar.setInitialPosition(HexMap hexMap)
          Set Avatar initial position.
 void PlaceHolder.setPosition(RpgMapPoint rpgPoint)
          Set Placeholder Position
 void PlaceHolder.setRandomPosition(java.util.Random rnd)
          Set a random position for this placeholder.

Uses of JurpeException in jurpe.dungeon.crawler

Methods in jurpe.dungeon.crawler that throw JurpeException
static Direction Direction.fromValue(short x)
          Return a direction from a given value
static Direction Direction.getRandom(java.util.Random rnd)
          Get a random direction

Uses of JurpeException in jurpe.dungeon.hexmap

Methods in jurpe.dungeon.hexmap that throw JurpeException
 void HexMapDrawing.drawCorridor(java.awt.Graphics g, RpgMapPoint from, Direction direction)
          Draw a corridor between the hexagon having center in from, toward direction
 void HexMapDrawing.drawMaze(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Draw a maze inside hexes
 void HexMapDrawing.drawPlaceHolder(PlaceHolder ph, java.awt.Graphics g)
          Draw placeholder on map
 void HexMapDrawing.drawPlaceHolders(java.awt.Graphics g, java.util.AbstractList<PlaceHolder> placeholders)
          Draw placeholders on hexmap.
 void HexMapDrawing.drawPlaceHolders(java.awt.Graphics g, Dungeons dungeon)
          Draw the placeholders in this hexmap
 HexMapView HexMap.getHexMapView()
          HexMapView handle (RpgMap and HexMap methods)
 void HexMap.refresh()
          Refresh PlaceHolder in view map after any command, scrolling view if necessary
 void HexMap.renderBackground(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Render background according to RpgMap
 void HexMap.synchHexMapView()
          Synchronize HexMapView with a RpgMap

Uses of JurpeException in jurpe.dungeon.rpgmap

Methods in jurpe.dungeon.rpgmap that throw JurpeException
 void Drawer.drawMap(java.awt.Graphics g)
          Draw map
 Direction[] Cell.getDoorables()
          Return all the directions in which this cell may have a door.
 Direction[] Cell.getDoors()
          Get all directions in whose there are doors.
 void RpgMap.setSpecialCell(RpgMapPoint p, LocationType type)
          Set special cell
 void RpgMap.setSpecialCell(RpgMapPoint p, LocationType type, java.lang.String message)
          Set special cell with a message

Uses of JurpeException in jurpe.items

Methods in jurpe.items that throw JurpeException
static Weapon Weapon.createRandom(ItemValueType value, RandomNames rn, MasterShop ms, Skills sk)
          Creates a random generated Weapon

Uses of JurpeException in jurpe.system

Methods in jurpe.system that throw JurpeException
 boolean CoreCommands.continueCombat()
          After having initialized Combat and TurnTable objects, this method return false until combat is ended.
 void CoreCommands.enterCombatWith(java.lang.String monsterName)
          Starts a combat session.
 BasicItem CoreCommands.generateItem(ItemValueType ivt)
          Generate a random item
 void Core.init()
          Core initialization routines
 boolean CoreCommands.loadPC(java.lang.String pcName)
          Restore serialized PCharacter.
static void Config.loadValues()
          Use this static method to initialize values from an external config.xml file

Constructors in jurpe.system that throw JurpeException

Uses of JurpeException in jurpe.system.commands

Methods in jurpe.system.commands that throw JurpeException
static DualCombat CombatCommands.enterCombat(PCharacter fighter, Monster monsterToFight)
          Starts a combat session.
static BasicItem CreationCommands.generateItem(ItemValueType value, RandomNames names)
          Creates a random generated item (money or other items).
static PCharacter PersistenceCommands.loadPC(java.lang.String pcName)
          Restore serialized PCharacter.

Uses of JurpeException in jurpe.system.generation

Methods in jurpe.system.generation that throw JurpeException
static short Dice.roll()
          Roll a normal six faces die

Uses of JurpeException in jurpedemo

Methods in jurpedemo that throw JurpeException
static java.awt.Color JurpeDemoConfig.getBackGroundColor(boolean metal)
          Get RGB coordinates for the 2 default GUI background colors.
static void JurpeDemoConfig.loadValues()
          Use this static method to initialize values from an external config.xml file

Constructors in jurpedemo that throw JurpeException
          Initialize entire application.

Uses of JurpeException in jurpedemo.frames

Methods in jurpedemo.frames that throw JurpeException
 void DungeonCommander.execute()
          Execute the command.
 boolean JurpeFrame.isTabVisible(int tabbedPanel)
          True if tab is visible (not actually showing, just visible)
 void PanelGame.refresh()
          Refresh panel.
abstract  void JurpeFrame.resetGUI()
 void FrameMain.resetGUI()
          Set initial conditions for GUI (Shop and Inn not visible, Skill cannot improve and so on...)

Constructors in jurpedemo.frames that throw JurpeException
FrameCombat(JurpeFrame xp, java.lang.String monsterName, boolean fastlog)

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